Students receive financial assistance on competitive bases. Awards are decided on a combination of grades, GRE scores, relevant experience and letters of recommendation and/or personal contacts with references.
The financial package includes a year-round financial stipend and comprehensive health care coverage. Current stipends start at $20,000/year. The university pays the full-time, in-state tuition for graduate assistants involved in teaching and other academic support roles. Graduate assistants assigned to research activities will have their tuition paid by grants and contracts. The cost of living in the College Station area is still quite reasonable.
Scholarship Program
The MEPS program offers scholarships on a competitive basis to all MEPS students to facilitate professional growth and development. The scholarships are provided for a variety of purposes including, but not limited to, preparation for and participation in professional meetings and maintenance of academic excellence.
In general, students must meet all scholastic requirements set forth in the most recent Texas A&M; University Graduate Catalog and be registered as a full-time student in the term in which the scholarship is awarded. Other requirements may be imposed for specific scholarships by email, regular mail or on the MEPS home page. All MEPS students and members of the MEPS faculty will be notified of the availability of scholarships. The purpose, additional qualifications to be met and application and selection procedures for each scholarship will be developed by the appropriate faculty committees and approval of the Executive Committee. The MEPS program office will distribute the scholarships. The Chair of the MEPS faculty will notify all applicants as to the status of their application. Funds will be distributed through the Department of Student Financial Aid.